Refereed papers: 116

H-index: 39

Publications as first author

  1. Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Bayo, A., Henning, Th, Milli, J. A&A, 2024, in press The near-infrared degree of polarization in debris disks. Toward a self-consistent approach to model scattered light observations
  2. Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Bayo, A., Milli, J., van Holstein, R. G., Henning, Th., Medina-Olea, B., Godoy, N., Maucó, K. A&A, 2023, 674A, 84O Apocenter pile-up and arcs: a narrow dust ring around HD 129590
  3. Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Kennedy, G. M., Bayo, A. A&A, 2022, 664A, 122O The halo around HD 32297: μm-sized cometary dust
  4. Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Kral, Q., Bayo, A., Boccaletti, A., Godoy, N., Henning, T., van Holstein, R.G., Maucó, K., Milli, J., Montesinos, M., Rein, H., and Sefilian, A.A. MNRAS, 2022, 513, 713 The vertical structure of debris discs and the impact of gas
  5. Olofsson, J., Milli, J., Bayo, A., Henning, T., and Engler, N. A&A, 2020, 640, A12 The challenge of measuring the phase function of debris discs. Application to HR 4796 A
  6. Olofsson, J., Milli, J., Thébault, P., Kral, Q., Ménard, F., Janson, M., Augereau, J.-C., Bayo, A., Beamín, J.C., Henning, T., Iglesias, D., Kennedy, G.M., Montesinos, M., Pawellek, N., Schreiber, M.R., Zamora, C., Carbillet, M., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Madec, F., Rabou, P., Sevin, A., Szulágyi, J., and Zurlo, A. A&A, 2019, 630, A142 Dust production in the debris disk around HR 4796 A
  7. Olofsson, J., van Holstein, R.G., Boccaletti, A., Janson, M., Thébault, P., Gratton, R., Lazzoni, C., Kral, Q., Bayo, A., Canovas, H., Caceres, C., Ginski, C., Pinte, C., Asensio-Torres, R., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Henning, T., Langlois, M., Milli, J., Schlieder, J.E., Schreiber, M.R., Augereau, J.-C., Bonnefoy, M., Buenzli, E., Brandner, W., Durkan, S., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Godoy, N., Grady, C., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A.-M., Lannier, J., Ligi, R., Maire, A.-L., Mawet, D., Ménard, F., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Thalmann, C., Vigan, A., Abe, L., Feautrier, P., Le Mignant, D., Moulin, T., Pavlov, A., Rabou, P., Rousset, G., and Roux, A. A&A, 2018, 617, A109 Resolving faint structures in the debris disk around TWA 7. Tentative detections of an outer belt, a spiral arm, and a dusty cloud
  8. Olofsson, J., Samland, M., Avenhaus, H., Caceres, C., Henning, T., Moór, A., Milli, J., Canovas, H., Quanz, S.P., Schreiber, M.R., Augereau, J.-C., Bayo, A., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J.-L., Boccaletti, A., Buenzli, E., Casassus, S., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Janson, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Maire, A.-L., Mesa, D., Pinte, C., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Thalmann, C., and Vigan, A. A&A, 2016, 591, A108 Azimuthal asymmetries in the debris disk around HD 61005. A massive collision of planetesimals?
  9. Olofsson, J., Szűcs, L., Henning, T., Linz, H., Pascucci, I., and Joergens, V. A&A, 2013, 560, A100 The Herschel/PACS view of disks around low-mass stars in Chamaleon-I
  10. Olofsson, J., Benisty, M., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Berger, J.-P., Lacour, S., Ménard, F., Henning, T., Crida, A., Burtscher, L., Meeus, G., Ratzka, T., Pinte, C., Augereau, J.-C., Malbet, F., Lazareff, B., and Traub, W. A&A, 2013, 552, A4 Sculpting the disk around T Chamaeleontis: an interferometric view
  11. Olofsson, J., Henning, T., Nielbock, M., Augereau, J.-C., Juhàsz, A., Oliveira, I., Absil, O., and Tamanai, A. A&A, 2013, 551, A134 The twofold debris disk around HD 113766 A. Warm and cold dust as seen with VLTI/MIDI and Herschel/PACS
  12. Olofsson, J., Juhász, A., Henning, T., Mutschke, H., Tamanai, A., Moór, A., and Ábrahám, P. A&A, 2012, 547, C1 Transient dust in warm debris disks (Corrigendum). Detection of Fe-rich olivine grains
  13. Olofsson, J., Juhász, A., Henning, T., Mutschke, H., Tamanai, A., Moór, A., and Ábrahám, P. A&A, 2012, 542, A90 Transient dust in warm debris disks. Detection of Fe-rich olivine grains
  14. Olofsson, J., Benisty, M., Augereau, J.-C., Pinte, C., Ménard, F., Tatulli, E., Berger, J.-P., Malbet, F., Merín, B., van Dishoeck, E.F., Lacour, S., Pontoppidan, K.M., Monin, J.-L., Brown, J.M., and Blake, G.A. A&A, 2011, 528, L6 Warm dust resolved in the cold disk around T Chamaeleontis with VLTI/AMBER
  15. Olofsson, J., Augereau, J.-C., van Dishoeck, E.F., Merín, B., Grosso, N., Ménard, F., Blake, G.A., and Monin, J.-L. A&A, 2010, 520, A39 C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. V. Spectral decomposition
  16. Olofsson, J., Augereau, J.-C., van Dishoeck, E.F., Merín, B., Lahuis, F., Kessler-Silacci, J., Dullemond, C.P., Oliveira, I., Blake, G.A., Boogert, A.C.A., Brown, J.M., Evans, N.J., Geers, V., Knez, C., Monin, J.-L., and Pontoppidan, K. A&A, 2009, 507, 327 C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. IV. Crystalline silicates

Publications as a collaborator

  1. Milli, J., Choquet, E., Tazaki, R., Ménard, F., Augereau, J.-C., Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Poch, O., Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C., Lasue, J., Renard, J.-B., Hadamcik, E., Baruteau, C., Schmid, H. M., Engler, N., van Holstein, R. G., Zubko, E., Lagrange, A.-M., Marino, S., Pinte, C., Dominik, C., Boccaletti, A., Langlois, M., Zurlo, A., Desgrange, C., Gluck, L., Mouillet, D., Costille, A., Sauvage, J.-F., A&A, 2023, arXiv:2312.02000 The polarisation properties of the HD 181327 debris ring. Evidence for sub-micron particles from scattered light observations
  2. Matthews, E. C., Bonnefoy, M., Xie, C., Desgrange, C., Desidera, S., Delorme, P., Milli, J., Olofsson, J., Barbato, D., Ceva, W., Augereau, J.-C., Biller, B. A., Chen, C. H, Faramaz-Gorka, V.,, Galicher, R., Hinkley, S., Lagrange, A.-M., Ménard, F., Pinte, F., Stapelfeldt, K. R., A&A, 2023, 679A, 58M The first scattered light images of HD 112810, a faint debris disk in the Sco-Cen association
  3. Stasevic, S., Milli, J., Mazoyer, J., Lagrange, A.-M., Bonnefoy, M., Faramaz-Gorka, V., Ménard, F., Boccaletti, A., Choquet, E., Shuai, L., Olofsson, J., Chomez, A., Ren, B., Rubini, P., Desgrange, C., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Vigan, A., Matthews, E., A&A, 2023, 678A, 8S An inner warp discovered in the disk around HD 110058 using VLT/SPHERE and HST/STIS
  4. Thebault, P, Olofsson, J., Kral, Q, A&A, 2023, 674A, 51T A re-investigation of debris disc halos
  5. Skaf, N., Boccaletti, A., Pantin E., Thebault, P., Kral, Q., Danielski, C., Galicher, R., Milli, J., Lagrange, A.-M., Baruteau, C., Kenworthy, M., Absil, O., Langlois, M., Olofsson, J., Chauvin, G., Huelamo, N., Delorme, P., Charnay, B., Guyon, O., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Hoeijmakers, H. J., Käufl, U., Kasper, M., Maire, A.-L., Mâlin, M., Siebenmorgen, R., Snellen, I., Zins, G., A&A, 2023, 675A, 35S The beta Pictoris system: Setting constraints on the planet and the disk structures at mid-IR wavelengths with NEAR
  6. Perrot, C., Olofsson, J., Kral, Q., Thébault, P., Montesinos, M., Kennedy, G. M., Bayo, A., Iglesias, D., van Holstein, R. G., Pinte, C. A&A, 2023, 673A, 39P Morphology of the gas-rich debris disk around HD 121617 with SPHERE observations in polarized light
  7. Engler, N., Milli, J., Gratton, R., Ulmer-Moll, S., Vigan, A., Schmid, H.M., Messina, S., Squicciarini, V., Lagrange, A.-M., Grandjean, A., Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., van Holstein, R., Janson, M., Ménard, F., Marshall, J. P., Chauvin, G., Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., del Burgo, C., Choquet, E., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Girard, J., Gisler, D., Hagelberg, J., Langlois, M., Maire, A.-L., Mesa, D., Meyer, M.R., Rabou, P., Rodet, L., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A. 2023, 672A, 1E The high-albedo, low polarization disk around HD 114082 harbouring a Jupiter-sized transiting planet
  8. Godoy, N., Olofsson, J., Bayo, A., Cheetham, A.C., Launhardt, R., Chauvin, G., Kennedy, G.M., Brems, S.S., Cugno, G., Girard, J.H., Henning, T., Müller, A., Musso Barcucci, A., Pepe, F., Quanz, S.P., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Rickman, E.L., Samland, M., Ségransan, D., and Stolker, T. A&A, 2022, 663A, 53G ISPY – NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. CenteR: the impact of centering and frame selection
  9. Cronin-Coltsmann, P.F., Kennedy, G.M., Adam, C., Kral, Q., Lestrade, J.-F., Marino, S., Matrà, L., Murphy, S.J., Olofsson, J., and Wyatt, M.C. MNRAS, 2022, 512, 4752 ALMA’s view of the M-dwarf GSC 07396-00759’s edge-on debris disc: AU Mic’s coeval twin
  10. Sucerquia, M., Alvarado-Montes, J.A., Bayo, A., Cuadra, J., Cuello, N., Giuppone, C.A., Montesinos, M., Olofsson, J., Schwab, C., Spitler, L., and Zuluaga, J.I. MNRAS, 2022, 512, 1032 Cronomoons: origin, dynamics, and light-curve features of ringed exomoons
  11. Jorquera, S., Bonnefoy, M., Betti, S., Chauvin, G., Buenzli, E., Pérez, L.M., Follette, K.B., Hinz, P.M., Boccaletti, A., Bailey, V., Biller, B., Defrère, D., Eisner, J., Henning, T., Klahr, H., Leisenring, J., Olofsson, J., Schlieder, J.E., Skemer, A.J., Skrutskie, M.F., and Van Boekel, R. ApJ, 2022, 926, 71 Large Binocular Telescope Search for Companions and Substructures in the (Pre)transitional Disk of AB Aurigae
  12. Maucó, K., Carrasco-González, C., Schreiber, M.R., Sierra, A., Olofsson, J., Bayo, A., Caceres, C., Canovas, H., and Palau, A. ApJ, 2021, 923, 128 The Characterization of the Dust Content in the Ring Around Sz 91: Indications of Planetesimal Formation?
  13. Melis, C., Olofsson, J., Song, I., Sarkis, P., Weinberger, A.J., Kennedy, G., and Krumpe, M. ApJ, 2021, 923, 90 Highly Structured Inner Planetary System Debris around the Intermediate Age Sun-like Star TYC 8830 410 1
  14. Bonnefoy, M., Milli, J., Menard, F., Delorme, P., Chomez, A., Bonavita, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Vigan, A., Augereau, J.C., Beuzit, J.L., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Faramaz, V., Galicher, R., Gratton, R., Hinkley, S., Lazzoni, C., Matthews, E., Mesa, D., Mordasini, C., Mouillet, D., Olofsson, J., and Pinte, C. A&A, 2021, 655, A62 Narrow belt of debris around the Sco-Cen star HD 141011
  15. Zúñiga-Fernández, S., Olofsson, J., Bayo, A., Haubois, X., Corral-Santana, J.M., Lopera-Mejía, A., Ronco, M.P., Tokovinin, A., Gallenne, A., Kennedy, G.M., and Berger, J.-P. A&A, 2021, 655, A15 The HD 98800 quadruple pre-main sequence system. Towards full orbital characterisation using long-baseline infrared interferometry
  16. Adam, C., Olofsson, J., van Holstein, R.G., Bayo, A., Milli, J., Boccaletti, A., Kral, Q., Ginski, C., Henning, T., Montesinos, M., Pawellek, N., Zurlo, A., Langlois, M., Delboulbé, A., Pavlov, A., Ramos, J., Weber, L., Wildi, F., Rigal, F., and Sauvage, J.-F. A&A, 2021, 653, A88 Characterizing the morphology of the debris disk around the low-mass star GSC 07396-00759
  17. Singh, G., Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Thébault, P., Kral, Q., Milli, J., Mazoyer, J., Pantin, E., van Holstein, R.G., Olofsson, J., Boukrouche, R., Di Folco, E., Janson, M., Langlois, M., Maire, A.-L., Vigan, A., Benisty, M., Augereau, J.-C., Perrot, C., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Ménard, F., Rickman, E., Wahhaj, Z., Zurlo, A., Biller, B., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Desidera, S., D’Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lagadec, E., Lagrange, A.-M., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Rouan, D., Sissa, E., Schmidt, T.O.B., Jaquet, M., Fusco, T., Pavlov, A., and Rabou, P. A&A, 2021, 653, A79 Revealing asymmetrical dust distribution in the inner regions of HD 141569
  18. Absil, O., Marion, L., Ertel, S., Defrère, D., Kennedy, G.M., Romagnolo, A., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Christiaens, V., Milli, J., Bonsor, A., Olofsson, J., Su, K.Y.L., and Augereau, J.-C. A&A, 2021, 651, A45 A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris-disk stars. VII. The hot-to-warm dust connection
  19. Montesinos, M., Cuello, N., Olofsson, J., Cuadra, J., Bayo, A., Bertrang, G.H.-M., and Perrot, C. ApJ, 2021, 910, 31 Radiative Scale Height and Shadows in Protoplanetary Disks
  20. Thebault, P., Kral, Q., and Olofsson, J. A&A, 2021, 646, A173 Debris discs in binaries: morphology and photometric signatures
  21. Zúñiga-Fernández, S., Bayo, A., Elliott, P., Zamora, C., Corvalán, G., Haubois, X., Corral-Santana, J.M., Olofsson, J., Huélamo, N., Sterzik, M.F., Torres, C.A.O., Quast, G.R., and Melo, C.H.F. A&A, 2021, 645, A30 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VIII. An updated census of spectroscopic binary systems exhibiting hints of non-universal multiplicity among their associations
  22. Montesinos, M., Garrido-Deutelmoser, J., Olofsson, J., Giuppone, C.A., Cuadra, J., Bayo, A., Sucerquia, M., and Cuello, N. A&A, 2020, 642, A224 Dust trapping around Lagrangian points in protoplanetary disks
  23. Rebollido, I., Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Maldonado, J., Villaver, E., Absil, O., Bayo, A., Canovas, H., Carmona, A., Chen, C., Ertel, S., Henning, T., Iglesias, D.P., Launhardt, R., Liseau, R., Meeus, G., Moór, A., Mora, A., Olofsson, J., Rauw, G., and Riviere-Marichalar, P. A&A, 2020, 639, A11 Exocomets: A spectroscopic survey
  24. Launhardt, R., Henning, T., Quirrenbach, A., Ségransan, D., Avenhaus, H., van Boekel, R., Brems, S.S., Cheetham, A.C., Cugno, G., Girard, J., Godoy, N., Kennedy, G.M., Maire, A.-L., Metchev, S., Müller, A., Musso Barcucci, A., Olofsson, J., Pepe, F., Quanz, S.P., Queloz, D., Reffert, S., Rickman, E.L., Ruh, H.L., and Samland, M. A&A, 2020, 635, A162 ISPY-NACO Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. Survey description and results from the first 2.5 years of observations
  25. Engler, N., Lazzoni, C., Gratton, R., Milli, J., Schmid, H.M., Chauvin, G., Kral, Q., Pawellek, N., Thébault, P., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brown, S., Buey, T., Cantalloube, F., Carle, M., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Ginski, C., Gisler, D., Henning, T., Hunziker, S., Lagrange, A.M., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Meyer, M.R., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Olofsson, J., Petit, C., Petrus, S., Quanz, S.P., Rickman, E., Stadler, E., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Wildi, F., and Zurlo, A. A&A, 2020, 635, A19 HD 117214 debris disk: scattered-light images and constraints on the presence of planets
  26. Maucó, K., Olofsson, J., Canovas, H., Schreiber, M.R., Christiaens, V., Bayo, A., Zurlo, A., Cáceres, C., Pinte, C., Villaver, E., Girard, J.H., Cieza, L., and Montesinos, M. MNRAS, 2020, 492, 1531 NaCo polarimetric observations of Sz 91 transitional disc: a remarkable case of dust filtering
  27. Maire, A.-L., Baudino, J.-L., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Brandner, W., Godoy, N., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Bonnefoy, M., Hagelberg, J., Olofsson, J., Absil, O., Chauvin, G., Henning, T., and Langlois, M. A&A, 2020, 633, L2 A dusty benchmark brown dwarf near the ice line of HD 72946
  28. Iglesias, D.P., Olofsson, J., Bayo, A., Zieba, S., Montesinos, M., Smoker, J., Kennedy, G.M., Godoy, N., Pantoja, B., Talens, G.J., Wahhaj, Z., and Zamora, C. MNRAS, 2019, 490, 5218 An unusually large gaseous transit in a debris disc
  29. Faramaz, V., Krist, J., Stapelfeldt, K.R., Bryden, G., Mamajek, E.E., Matrà, L., Booth, M., Flaherty, K., Hales, A.S., Hughes, A.M., Bayo, A., Casassus, S., Cuadra, J., Olofsson, J., Su, K.Y.L., and Wilner, D.J. AJ, 2019, 158, 162 From Scattered-light to Millimeter Emission: A Comprehensive View of the Gigayear-old System of HD 202628 and its Eccentric Debris Ring
  30. Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Thébault, P., Kral, Q., Mazoyer, J., Milli, J., Maire, A.L., van Holstein, R.G., Augereau, J.-C., Baudoz, P., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Lagrange, A.-M., Olofsson, J., Pantin, E., and Perrot, C. A&A, 2019, 630, A85 Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the debris disk HD 32297. Further evidence of small dust grains
  31. Pawellek, N., Moór, A., Milli, J., Kóspál, Á., Olofsson, J., Ábrahám, P., Keppler, M., Kral, Q., Pohl, A., Augereau, J.-C., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Choquet, É., Engler, N., Henning, T., Langlois, M., Lee, E.J., Ménard, F., Thébault, P., and Zurlo, A. MNRAS, 2019, 488, 3507 A multiwavelength study of the debris disc around 49 Cet
  32. Bayo, A., Olofsson, J., Matrà, L., Beamín, J.C., Gallardo, J., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Booth, M., Zamora, C., Iglesias, D., Henning, T., Schreiber, M.R., and Cáceres, C. MNRAS, 2019, 486, 5552 Sub-millimetre non-contaminated detection of the disc around TWA 7 by ALMA
  33. Musso Barcucci, A., Launhardt, R., Kennedy, G.M., Avenhaus, H., Brems, S.S., van Boekel, R., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A., Cugno, G., Girard, J., Godoy, N., Henning, T.K., Metchev, S., Müller, A., Olofsson, J., Pepe, F., Quanz, S.P., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Rickman, E.L., Samland, M., and Segransan, D. A&A, 2019, 627, A77 ISPY - NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. Discovery of an M dwarf in the gap between HD 193571 and its debris ring
  34. Perrot, C., Thebault, P., Lagrange, A.-M., Boccaletti, A., Vigan, A., Desidera, S., Augereau, J.-C., Bonnefoy, M., Choquet, É., Kral, Q., Loh, A., Maire, A.-L., Ménard, F., Messina, S., Olofsson, J., Gratton, R., Biller, B., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Feldt, M., Lagadec, E., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Janin-Potiron, P., Salter, G., Sissa, E., Roux, A., Llored, M., Buey, J.-T., Pavlov, A., Weber, L., and Petit, C. A&A, 2019, 626, A95 First resolved observations of a highly asymmetric debris disc around HD 160305 with VLT/SPHERE
  35. Milli, J., Engler, N., Schmid, H.M., Olofsson, J., Ménard, F., Kral, Q., Boccaletti, A., Thébault, P., Choquet, E., Mouillet, D., Lagrange, A.-M., Augereau, J.-C., Pinte, C., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Perrot, C., Zurlo, A., Henning, T., Beuzit, J.-L., Avenhaus, H., Bazzon, A., Moulin, T., Llored, M., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Roelfsema, R., and Pragt, J. A&A, 2019, 626, A54 Optical polarised phase function of the HR 4796A dust ring
  36. Su, K.Y.L., Jackson, A.P., Gáspár, A., Rieke, G.H., Dong, R., Olofsson, J., Kennedy, G.M., Leinhardt, Z.M., Malhotra, R., Hammer, M., Meng, H.Y.A., Rujopakarn, W., Rodriguez, J.E., Pepper, J., Reichart, D.E., James, D., and Stassun, K.G. AJ, 2019, 157, 202 Extreme Debris Disk Variability: Exploring the Diverse Outcomes of Large Asteroid Impacts During the Era of Terrestrial Planet Formation
  37. Rebollido, I., Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Maldonado, J., Villaver, E., Absil, O., Bayo, A., Canovas, H., Carmona, A., Chen, C., Ertel, S., Garufi, A., Henning, T., Iglesias, D.P., Launhardt, R., Liseau, R., Meeus, G., Moór, A., Mora, A., Olofsson, J., Rauw, G., and Riviere-Marichalar, P. A&A, 2019, 625, C2 The co-existence of hot and cold gas in debris discs (Corrigendum)
  38. Maire, A.-L., Rodet, L., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Brandner, W., Messina, S., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Melnick, D., Carson, J., Samland, M., Biller, B.A., Boccaletti, A., Wahhaj, Z., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Henning, T., Janson, M., Olofsson, J., Rouan, D., Ménard, F., Lagrange, A.-M., Gratton, R., Vigan, A., Meyer, M.R., Cheetham, A., Beuzit, J.-L., Dohlen, K., Avenhaus, H., Bonavita, M., Claudi, R., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., D’Orazi, V., Fontanive, C., Hagelberg, J., Le Coroller, H., Perrot, C., Rickman, E., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Udry, S., Zurlo, A., Abe, L., Origné, A., Rigal, F., Rousset, G., Roux, A., and Weber, L. A&A, 2019, 624, A118 Hint of curvature in the orbital motion of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b using 3 yr of VLT/SPHERE monitoring
  39. Cugno, G., Quanz, S.P., Launhardt, R., Musso Barcucci, A., Brems, S.S., Cheetham, A., Godoy, N., Kennedy, G.M., Henning, T., Müller, A., Olofsson, J., Pepe, F., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Rickman, E.L., and Ségransan, D. A&A, 2019, 624, A29 ISPY - NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. A young companion candidate embedded in the R CrA cloud
  40. Villenave, M., Benisty, M., Dent, W.R.F., Ménard, F., Garufi, A., Ginski, C., Pinilla, P., Pinte, C., Williams, J.P., de Boer, J., Morino, J.-I., Fukagawa, M., Dominik, C., Flock, M., Henning, T., Juhász, A., Keppler, M., Muro-Arena, G., Olofsson, J., Pérez, L.M., van der Plas, G., Zurlo, A., Carle, M., Feautrier, P., Pavlov, A., Pragt, J., Ramos, J., Sauvage, J.-F., Stadler, E., and Weber, L. A&A, 2019, 624, A7 Spatial segregation of dust grains in transition disks. SPHERE observations of 2MASS J16083070-3828268 and RXJ1852.3-3700
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  42. Engler, N., Boccaletti, A., Schmid, H.M., Milli, J., Augereau, J.-C., Mazoyer, J., Maire, A.-L., Henning, T., Avenhaus, H., Baudoz, P., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Hinkley, S., Lagrange, A.-M., Mawet, D., Olofsson, J., Pantin, E., Perrot, C., and Stapelfeldt, K. A&A, 2019, 622, A192 Investigating the presence of two belts in the HD 15115 system
  43. Claudi, R., Maire, A.-L., Mesa, D., Cheetham, A., Fontanive, C., Gratton, R., Zurlo, A., Avenhaus, H., Bhowmik, T., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Delboulbé, A., Desidera, S., D’Orazi, V., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Flammini Dotti, F., Girard, J.H., Giro, E., Janson, M., Hagelberg, J., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lacour, S., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Le Coroller, H., Menard, F., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Millward, M., Olofsson, J., Pavlov, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Pinte, C., Pragt, J., Ramos, J., Rochat, S., Rodet, L., Roelfsema, R., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Thebault, P., Udry, S., and Vigan, A. A&A, 2019, 622, A96 SPHERE dynamical and spectroscopic characterization of HD 142527B
  44. Cheetham, A.C., Samland, M., Brems, S.S., Launhardt, R., Chauvin, G., Ségransan, D., Henning, T., Quirrenbach, A., Avenhaus, H., Cugno, G., Girard, J., Godoy, N., Kennedy, G.M., Maire, A.-L., Metchev, S., Müller, A., Musso Barcucci, A., Olofsson, J., Pepe, F., Quanz, S.P., Queloz, D., Reffert, S., Rickman, E., van Boekel, R., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Charnay, B., Delorme, P., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Lazzoni, C., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Udry, S., and Zurlo, A. A&A, 2019, 622, A80 Spectral and orbital characterisation of the directly imaged giant planet HIP 65426 b
  45. Cieza, L.A., Ruíz-Rodríguez, D., Hales, A., Casassus, S., Pérez, S., Gonzalez-Ruilova, C., Cánovas, H., Williams, J.P., Zurlo, A., Ansdell, M., Avenhaus, H., Bayo, A., Bertrang, G.H.-M., Christiaens, V., Dent, W., Ferrero, G., Gamen, R., Olofsson, J., Orcajo, S., Peña Ramírez, K., Principe, D., Schreiber, M.R., and van der Plas, G. MNRAS, 2019, 482, 698 The Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA) - I: project description and continuum images at 28 au resolution
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  48. Iglesias, D., Bayo, A., Olofsson, J., Wahhaj, Z., Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Rebollido, I., Smoker, J., Sbordone, L., Schreiber, M.R., and Henning, T. MNRAS, 2018, 480, 488 Debris discs with multiple absorption features in metallic lines: circumstellar or interstellar origin?
  49. Xu, S., Su, K.Y.L., Rogers, L.K., Bonsor, A., Olofsson, J., Veras, D., van Lieshout, R., Dufour, P., Green, E.M., Schlawin, E., Farihi, J., Wilson, T.G., Wilson, D.J., and Gänsicke, B.T. ApJ, 2018, 866, 108 Infrared Variability of Two Dusty White Dwarfs
  50. Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Lagrange, A.-M., de Boer, J., Vigan, A., Beust, H., Lazzoni, C., Boccaletti, A., Galicher, R., Desidera, S., Delorme, P., Keppler, M., Lannier, J., Maire, A.-L., Mesa, D., Meunier, N., Kral, Q., Henning, T., Menard, F., Moor, A., Avenhaus, H., Bazzon, A., Janson, M., Beuzit, J.-L., Bhowmik, T., Bonavita, M., Borgniet, S., Brandner, W., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Fontanive, C., Ginski, C., Hagelberg, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Lagadec, E., Langlois, M., Le Coroller, H., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rodet, L., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Olofsson, J., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Milli, J., van Boekel, R., Quanz, S., Feautrier, P., Le Mignant, D., Perret, D., Ramos, J., and Rochat, S. A&A, 2018, 617, A76 Investigating the young solar system analog HD 95086. A combined HARPS and SPHERE exploration
  51. Keppler, M., Benisty, M., Müller, A., Henning, T., van Boekel, R., Cantalloube, F., Ginski, C., van Holstein, R.G., Maire, A.-L., Pohl, A., Samland, M., Avenhaus, H., Baudino, J.-L., Boccaletti, A., de Boer, J., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Lazzoni, C., Marleau, G.-D., Mordasini, C., Pawellek, N., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Birnstiel, T., Brandner, W., Feldt, M., Flock, M., Girard, J., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Isella, A., Janson, M., Juhasz, A., Kemmer, J., Kral, Q., Lagrange, A.-M., Launhardt, R., Matter, A., Ménard, F., Milli, J., Mollière, P., Olofsson, J., Pérez, L., Pinilla, P., Pinte, C., Quanz, S.P., Schmidt, T., Udry, S., Wahhaj, Z., Williams, J.P., Buenzli, E., Cudel, M., Dominik, C., Galicher, R., Kasper, M., Lannier, J., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., Sissa, E., Wildi, F., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Augereau, J.-C., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J.-L., Blanchard, P., Brems, S.S., Buey, T., De Caprio, V., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Delboulbé, A., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Giro, E., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Le Mignant, D., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Meyer, M., Möller-Nilsson, O., Moulin, T., Mugnier, L., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J.-F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Turatto, M., and Weber, L. A&A, 2018, 617, A44 Discovery of a planetary-mass companion within the gap of the transition disk around PDS 70
  52. Ginski, C., Benisty, M., van Holstein, R.G., Juhász, A., Schmidt, T.O.B., Chauvin, G., de Boer, J., Wilby, M., Manara, C.F., Delorme, P., Ménard, F., Pinilla, P., Birnstiel, T., Flock, M., Keller, C., Kenworthy, M., Milli, J., Olofsson, J., Pérez, L., Snik, F., and Vogt, N. A&A, 2018, 616, A79 First direct detection of a polarized companion outside a resolved circumbinary disk around CS Chamaeleonis
  53. Cheetham, A., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Schmidt, T., Olofsson, J., Chauvin, G., Klahr, H., Gratton, R., D’Orazi, V., Henning, T., Janson, M., Biller, B., Peretti, S., Hagelberg, J., Ségransan, D., Udry, S., Mesa, D., Sissa, E., Kral, Q., Schlieder, J., Maire, A.-L., Mordasini, C., Menard, F., Zurlo, A., Beuzit, J.-L., Feldt, M., Mouillet, D., Meyer, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Boccaletti, A., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Ligi, R., Rouan, D., Le Coroller, H., Dominik, C., Lagadec, E., Turatto, M., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Blanchard, P., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Delboulbé, A., De Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Giro, E., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignant, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J.-F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L., and Wildi, F. A&A, 2018, 615, A160 Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892
  54. Maire, A.-L., Rodet, L., Lazzoni, C., Boccaletti, A., Brandner, W., Galicher, R., Cantalloube, F., Mesa, D., Klahr, H., Beust, H., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Olofsson, J., Augereau, J.-C., Daemgen, S., Henning, T., Thébault, P., Bonnefoy, M., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Meyer, M.R., Vigan, A., D’Orazi, V., Hagelberg, J., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Udry, S., Zurlo, A., Abe, L., Carle, M., Delboulbé, A., Feautrier, P., Magnard, Y., Maurel, D., Moulin, T., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Ramos, J.R., Rigal, F., Roux, A., and Weber, L. A&A, 2018, 615, A177 VLT/SPHERE astrometric confirmation and orbital analysis of the brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B
  55. Boccaletti, A., Sezestre, E., Lagrange, A.-M., Thébault, P., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Thalmann, C., Janson, M., Delorme, P., Augereau, J.-C., Schneider, G., Milli, J., Grady, C., Debes, J., Kral, Q., Olofsson, J., Carson, J., Maire, A.L., Henning, T., Wisniewski, J., Schlieder, J., Dominik, C., Desidera, S., Ginski, C., Hines, D., Ménard, F., Mouillet, D., Pawellek, N., Vigan, A., Lagadec, E., Avenhaus, H., Beuzit, J.-L., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Gry, C., Daemgen, S., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Girard, J., Hagelberg, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Kasper, M., Le Coroller, H., Mesa, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Wildi, F., Zurlo, A., Rochat, S., Stadler, E., Gluck, L., Origné, A., Llored, M., Baudoz, P., Rousset, G., Martinez, P., and Rigal, F. A&A, 2018, 614, A52 Observations of fast-moving features in the debris disk of AU Mic on a three-year timescale: Confirmation and new discoveries
  56. Rebollido, I., Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Maldonado, J., Villaver, E., Absil, O., Bayo, A., Canovas, H., Carmona, A., Chen, C., Ertel, S., Garufi, A., Henning, T., Iglesias, D.P., Launhardt, R., Liseau, R., Meeus, G., Moór, A., Mora, A., Olofsson, J., Rauw, G., and Riviere-Marichalar, P. A&A, 2018, 614, A3 The co-existence of hot and cold gas in debris discs
  57. Sissa, E., Olofsson, J., Vigan, A., Augereau, J.C., D’Orazi, V., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Rigliaco, E., Boccaletti, A., Kral, Q., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Sezestre, E., Thébault, P., Zurlo, A., Bhowmik, T., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A.-M., Janson, M., Maire, A.-L., Ménard, F., Schlieder, J., Schmidt, T., Szulágyi, J., Stadler, E., Maurel, D., Delboulbé, A., Feautrier, P., Ramos, J., and Rigal, F. A&A, 2018, 613, L6 New disk discovered with VLT/SPHERE around the M star GSC 07396-00759
  58. Lazzoni, C., Desidera, S., Marzari, F., Boccaletti, A., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Gratton, R., Kral, Q., Pawellek, N., Olofsson, J., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A.M., Vigan, A., Sissa, E., Antichi, J., Avenhaus, H., Baruffolo, A., Baudino, J.L., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J.L., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Brandner, W., Bruno, P., Buenzli, E., Cantalloube, F., Cascone, E., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R.U., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., De Caprio, V., Delorme, P., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Ginski, C., Girard, J., Giro, E., Janson, M., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Incorvaia, S., Kasper, M., Kopytova, T., LeCoroller, H., Lessio, L., Ligi, R., Maire, A.L., Ménard, F., Meyer, M., Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Scuderi, S., Sezestre, E., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Wildi, F., and Zurlo, A. A&A, 2018, 611, A43 Dynamical models to explain observations with SPHERE in planetary systems with double debris belts
  59. Canovas, H., Montesinos, B., Schreiber, M.R., Cieza, L.A., Eiroa, C., Meeus, G., de Boer, J., Ménard, F., Wahhaj, Z., Riviere-Marichalar, P., Olofsson, J., Garufi, A., Rebollido, I., van Holstein, R.G., Caceres, C., Hardy, A., and Villaver, E. A&A, 2018, 610, A13 DZ Chamaeleontis: a bona fide photoevaporating disc
  60. Cieza, L.A., Casassus, S., Pérez, S., Hales, A., Cárcamo, M., Ansdell, M., Avenhaus, H., Bayo, A., Bertrang, G.H.-M., Cánovas, H., Christiaens, V., Dent, W., Ferrero, G., Gamen, R., Olofsson, J., Orcajo, S., Osses, A., Peña-Ramirez, K., Principe, D., Ruíz-Rodríguez, D., Schreiber, M.R., van der Plas, G., Williams, J.P., and Zurlo, A. ApJL, 2017, 851, L23 ALMA Observations of Elias 2-24: A Protoplanetary Disk with Multiple Gaps in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud
  61. Delorme, P., Schmidt, T., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Ginski, C., Charnay, B., Lazzoni, C., Christiaens, V., Messina, S., D’Orazi, V., Milli, J., Schlieder, J.E., Gratton, R., Rodet, L., Lagrange, A.-M., Absil, O., Vigan, A., Galicher, R., Hagelberg, J., Bonavita, M., Lavie, B., Zurlo, A., Olofsson, J., Boccaletti, A., Cantalloube, F., Mouillet, D., Chauvin, G., Hambsch, F.-J., Langlois, M., Udry, S., Henning, T., Beuzit, J.-L., Mordasini, C., Lucas, P., Marocco, F., Biller, B., Carson, J., Cheetham, A., Covino, E., De Caprio, V., Delboulbe, A., Feldt, M., Girard, J., Hubin, N., Maire, A.-L., Pavlov, A., Petit, C., Rouan, D., Roelfsema, R., and Wildi, F. A&A, 2017, 608, A79 In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD 206893B
  62. Engler, N., Schmid, H.M., Thalmann, C., Boccaletti, A., Bazzon, A., Baruffolo, A., Beuzit, J.L., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Desidera, S., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Ginski, C., Gisler, D., Girard, J.H., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Hubin, N., Janson, M., Kasper, M., Kral, Q., Langlois, M., Lagadec, E., Ménard, F., Meyer, M.R., Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Olofsson, J., Pavlov, A., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Quanz, S.P., Roelfsema, R., Salasnich, B., Siebenmorgen, R., Sissa, E., Suarez, M., Szulagyi, J., Turatto, M., Udry, S., and Wildi, F. A&A, 2017, 607, A90 The HIP 79977 debris disk in polarized light
  63. Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Lagrange, A.-M., Vigan, A., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Bonnefoy, M., Beuzit, J.-L., Feldt, M., Mouillet, D., Meyer, M., Cheetham, A., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., D’Orazi, V., Galicher, R., Hagelberg, J., Maire, A.-L., Mesa, D., Olofsson, J., Samland, M., Schmidt, T.O.B., Sissa, E., Bonavita, M., Charnay, B., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Janin-Potiron, P., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Marleau, G.D., Messina, S., Mollière, P., Mordasini, C., Müller, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rodet, L., Rouan, D., Zurlo, A., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Menard, F., Schmid, H.-M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Blanchard, P., Bazzon, A., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Charton, J., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Deboulbe, A., De Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignant, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Llored, M., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, R., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J.-F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L., Wildi, F., Antoniucci, S., Augereau, J.-C., Baudino, J.-L., Brandner, W., Engler, N., Girard, J., Gry, C., Kral, Q., Kopytova, T., Lagadec, E., Milli, J., Moutou, C., Schlieder, J., Szulágyi, J., Thalmann, C., and Wahhaj, Z. A&A, 2017, 605, L9 Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP 65426
  64. Pohl, A., Sissa, E., Langlois, M., Müller, A., Ginski, C., van Holstein, R.G., Vigan, A., Mesa, D., Maire, A.-L., Henning, T., Gratton, R., Olofsson, J., van Boekel, R., Benisty, M., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Daemgen, S., de Boer, J., Desidera, S., Dominik, C., Garufi, A., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Ménard, F., Pinte, C., Stolker, T., Szulágyi, J., Zurlo, A., Bonnefoy, M., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Perrot, C., and Wildi, F. A&A, 2017, 605, A34 New constraints on the disk characteristics and companion candidates around T Chamaeleontis with VLT/SPHERE
  65. Bayo, A., Joergens, V., Liu, Y., Brauer, R., Olofsson, J., Arancibia, J., Pinilla, P., Wolf, S., Ruge, J.P., Henning, T., Natta, A., Johnston, K.G., Bonnefoy, M., Beuther, H., and Chauvin, G. ApJL, 2017, 841, L11 First Millimeter Detection of the Disk around a Young, Isolated, Planetary-mass Object
  66. Feldt, M., Olofsson, J., Boccaletti, A., Maire, A.L., Milli, J., Vigan, A., Langlois, M., Henning, T., Moor, A., Bonnefoy, M., Wahhaj, Z., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Kóspál, Á., Abraham, P., Menard, F., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A.M., Mesa, D., Salter, G., Buenzli, E., Lannier, J., Perrot, C., Peretti, S., and Sissa, E. A&A, 2017, 601, A7 SPHERE/SHINE reveals concentric rings in the debris disk of HIP 73145
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